Incompetence: Stories about lacking skills

As a student, Emily Pitts was never a fan of science, but now, as a middle school teacher, she’s not feeling confident in her skills to teach the subject, and despite his deep desire to study science, Andrew Barnes is constantly told he can’t.

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Mothering: Stories about being a mom

Silvana Clark finds a bat in her newborn’s room and thinks it may have bitten her baby, and Leah Moore navigates the challenges of raising a daughter with cri-du-chat syndrome alongside her other children with their own special needs.

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Full Circle: Stories about going back to the start

Gregor Posadas joins the army to pursue his dreams of becoming an engineer and fulfill his father’s wish of “fixing” their home country of the Philippines, and after losing his father as a young child, Nanduh Balakrishnan feels compelled to use his school savings to buy a life saving drug for a patient at the hospital he’s working at.

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This Is Why We Play: Stories about motivation

While constantly staring at Mercury’s craters for NASA's MESSENGER mission, a picture of the Galapagos Islands captures Paul Byrne’s attention, and while serving in the navy to get his engineering degree, David Estrada is struck by the level of poverty he witnesses on the tiny island of East Timor.

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